Meet the partners Politecnico di MilanoProject coordinator and lead beneficiary of WP1 and WP5 POLIMI Asociacion de Investigacion Metalurgica del NoroesteLead beneficiary of WP3 AIMEN Creative NanoLead beneficiary of WP2 and WP4 CNANO ELSYCABeneficiary ELS MBN NanomaterialiaBeneficiary MBN Brave Analytics Beneficiary BRAVE TECNOCHIMICABeneficiary TECNOCHIMICA Falex TribologyBeneficiary FALEX Kampakas SALead beneficiary of WP6 KAMP DIAD GroupBeneficiary DIAD Coskunoz Kalip MakinaBeneficiary COS National Technical University of AthensBeneficiary NTUA AXIA Innovation GmbHLead beneficiary of WP8 AXIA ASFIMET SRLBeneficiary ASFIMET University of Birmingham Lead beneficiary of WP7 UoB