MOZART’s 1st Review Meeting


Today, we are thrilled to share our achievements and advancements during our 18-month online review meeting. This milestone would not have been possible without the active participation of our Project Officer, Reviewer, and the exceptional collaboration of our project Partners.

Diving into Technical Excellence:

In the meeting, we explored the progress of each work package, focusing on the technical achievements that have defined our journey thus far.

WP2: Specifications & Requirements (SSbD Strategy):

Discussed the steps implemented in aligning our project with the Science-based Safe-by-Design (SSbD) strategy, setting the foundation for robust specifications and requirements.

WP3: In Silico Approaches:

Explored the cutting-edge in silico approaches, emphasizing our commitment to leveraging advanced simulations to drive innovation.

WP4: SSbD Use of Particles in Plating Process:

Shared breakthroughs in the application of SSbD principles to the use of particles in the plating process.

WP5: Development of HC Alternative Coatings:

Highlighted the progress in the development of environmentally friendly and high-performance alternative coatings, following our dedication to sustainable solutions.

Strategic Discussions Shaping the Future:

Beyond technical achievements, our meeting concluded with insightful discussions which are crucial to shaping the success of the MOZART project.

WP7: Sustainability Assessment and Market Replication:

Explored strategies for ensuring the sustainability of MOZART technologies and discussed plans for market replication.

WP8: Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication:

Delved into the strategic dissemination and exploitation of our research results, laying the groundwork for impactful outreach and communication.

We thank our coordinator, Politecnico di Milano, for organizing and hosting the meeting as well as the reviewers and officer for their participation and valuable feedback. Looking ahead, we are highly motivated by the fruitful discussions with the Review Committee and are eager to start the next phase of our innovation journey.

Funded by the European Union under GA number 101058450. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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