Brave’s article in Nanophotonics magazine, published within the MOZART project, unveils their innovative approach to measuring and visualizing nanoparticles, summarized in this short description:
Tracing light from objects to the camera is a challenging task, especially important for MOZART as the particle aggregation feedback in the coating depends on such precise detection while considering refractions and reflections. However, challenges arise when wave interferences are involved, as in a nanoparticle characterization device being developed at the Medical University of Graz and its spin-off, BRAVE Analytics. In this device, the used particles in the electrolyte are pumped through a cylindrical capillary and irradiated by a focused laser; the resulting scattered light is observed with a camera, revealing various interference patterns depending on the focus setting.
Describing such phenomena theoretically proved daunting, prompting us to opt for an old-school approach using analytical functions in a recent paper published in Nanophotonics. With this, particle characterization through tracking algorithms and signals from Single Particle Light Scattering can be improved to provide even more precise process feedback as input for the process modelling and down the road for higher performance coatings of MOZART in general.
Funded by the European Union under GA number 101058450. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.