MOZART provides coating solutions that will allow the safe and sustainable replacement of hard chromium coatings in a series of applications. Nano-composite coatings are potential candidates as durable protective coatings in applications where high wear and corrosion resistance is needed. In the MOZART project two families of nickel (Ni) composite coatings will be developed: one reinforced by ceramic nanoparticles, for hard coatings with wear and corrosion resistance; and a second one reinforced by 2D materials with the additional feature of self-lubrication.
This type of coating provides important benefits like:
Safety and Sustainability since they are environmentally less harmer and less toxic
Corrosion prevention due to their enhanced durability (it can last up to 25 years)
Increased hardness and wear resistance, making them useful in a broad range of applications
No need of regular maintenance as they are waterproof and resistant to temperature change
Maintain item’s natural appearance for they are colorless and invisible
Although several benefits are to be expected from nanotechnology-based coatings, to ensure their safety, studies should be performed at an early stage of their development to look not only at the environmental and performance benefits but also at the risks posed by nanomaterials and their applications. MOZART will develop and test the novel coatings with respect to the potential release of nanomaterials across their entire life cycle, in order to ensure their ecological sustainability and safety to producer’s and consumer’s health.
Funded by the European Union under GA number 101058450. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.